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Penetration Testers Suppliers in South Asia

6 products from 2 companies in 1 country

Brand Unitech Instruments

Unitech Instruments

Basic Member


Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India 

Unitech Instruments Oil Penetration is used to evaluate the impregnation (penetration) time of oil and other liquids, which may be described as, the time in seconds required for a liquid of definite...

Paper Traders

Basic Member


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 

For determining the water absorbency of paper, paperboard and corrugated fiber board. Measures the increase of a sample, exposed to water for a given time. Test area 100cm2. A. Automatic - Spring...

Paper Traders

Basic Member


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 

KLEMN TYPE: For measuring the degree of water absorption of paper i.e. the capillary rise in millimeters by suspending a specimen in a vat filled with water.

Paper Traders

Basic Member


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 

WILLIAM TYPE: For determining the penetration time of oil and other liquids through paper and other similar materials. Provided with cooling system, Electronic PID control for constant temperature...

Paper Traders

Basic Member


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 

PATRA TYPE: For determining the oil absorption resistance of the surface of paper and paperboard Please contact us for details.

Paper Traders

Basic Member


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 

COBB TYPE: For determining the absorptive capacity of paper by measuring the amount of fluid (aqueous or non-aqueous, fluids, oils, varnishes) absorbed by the paper surface. Suited for evaluating...

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