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Clay (Filler and Coating) Suppliers in South Asia
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Coating clay 90 is developed using advance processing technology that imparts excellent printabilitya nd coater runnability. APPLICATION : *Coating Key Properties : *Brightness (ISO) : 84± 1...
20 MICRONS supplies the pulp, paper and board industry with talc for use as a coating pigment in both rotogravure and offset and as a pitch control agent. In both uncoated and coated rotogravure...
Calcined clay for improving the brightness and opacity. Hypergloss anhydrous pigment is designed to provide substantial cost saving through replacement of TiO2 and other expensive whiting agents ...
APPLICATION : *Wet end part of newsprint. Key Properties : *Brightness (ISO) : 81 ± 1 *Particle Size : 60% Below 2µ KEY BENEFITS : *Due to higher scattering co-efficient it imparts better opacity...