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Anti-Foaming Agents Suppliers in South Asia

4 products from 3 companies in 1 country

Satya Organics Pvt. Ltd.

Basic Member


Delhi, India 

Manufacturers of Paper Chemicals, Wood Paper & Lamination Adhesives for Paper Plat, speaker Box. Please contact us for details

A B Enterprises

Basic Member


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 

Anti foaming agent is using in washing of pulps to control foaming. Anti foaming agent is silicon base and oil base.

STRATAFOAM -Belami Fine Chemicals Pvt Ltd.

Basic Member


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 

Our various grades of antifoams for paper making are 100% active non-silicone, PAGs based and are highly efficient in controlling surface foams and simultaneously acting as de-aerators to eject...

STRATAFOAM -Belami Fine Chemicals Pvt Ltd.

Basic Member


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 

This is a very highly efficient Silicone-based antifoam for pulping and brown-stock washing, performing at dosages as low as 200gms/tonne of foaming media. Outperfoms almost all global MNC brands in...

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