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Lab Apparatus & Supplies in North America
4 companies from 1 country
ePORT Inc.
Authorized Export Manufacturer's Reps. / Suppliers of: Waste / Scrap Paper Copy Paper /Printer Paper NCR Paper Test/Measurement Equipment
Quantum Technologies Inc.
Since 1981 Quantum Technologies Inc. has developed specialized equipment for the continuous mixing of gases, liquids, and solids. We are Research & Development, producer of Mark VI mixer/reactor and...
optek-Danulat, Inc.
Inline UV-VIS-NIR, scattered (turbidity) light and pH and Conductivity sensors and probes provide real-time, repeatable and reliable measurements for process control and automation to decrease...
Testing Machines Inc.
TMI Group of Companies manufactures instruments to measure the physical properties of materials including pulp and paper, film, foil, ink, coatings, nonwovens, plastic, rubber, textile, adhesives,...