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Tissue Papers Distributors / Merchants / Suppliers / Exporters in Dortmund

2 companies

Huchtemeier Papier GmbH

Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Manufacturer, Exporter, Converter

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Huchtemeier Papier is an international tissue network with offices in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Poland and Turkey. HP supplies tissue parent reels to converters, as well hygiene papers and...

Huchtemeier Papier GmbH

Dortmund, Germany

Manufacturer, Trading Company, Wholesaler / Dealer

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We Speak Tissue A tissue family with a modern business approach. Huchtemeier roots go back to the year 1895. Since 1959 the company has been owned by the Vosschulte family. Tissue has been the core...

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