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Tissue Converting Lines, Napkins Suppliers & Manufacturers in West Asia

3 companies from 3 countries

Kayraco Limited

Diamond Member

Dubai, UAE

Trading Company, Wholesaler / Dealer, Indenting Agent / Buying Office / Purchasing

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Diamond Member

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Your success is our goal. We want to help your business succeed. That's why we work so hard to make the right connection for you. With our experience and expertise, we know what each mill and each...

Point Makina Elektronik San. Ltd. Sti.

Dilovası, Turkey

Manufacturer, Exporter

Point Makina produces automatic high-speed non-stop production lines for toilet paper and kitchen towels, specializing in the production of rewinders, slitters, and accumulators. Also, we produce...

Al Baraka Company

Amman, Jordan

Trading Company

Al Baraka Company is specialized in providing high quality Tissue Paper Converting Machines. The company provides several machines and production lines for converting tissue paper into the...

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