ContactCocktail Napkins Buyers / Importers

1 RFQ / RFP from 1 country

Paper Napkins, Towels

Recurring Requirement    Posted 75 days ago    


Cocktail napkins, autocut towels Hi, My name is Tóth, and I am the CEO of (company name removed), a Hungarian company specializing in strategic sourcing for clients worldwide. I am currently... 

Buyer's Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Regions Represented by Cocktail Napkins Buyers, Purchase Managers, Indentors and Wholesale Buying Agents at PaperIndex

West Asia

Top Countries Represented by Cocktail Napkins Wholesale Buyers, Indentors, Purchase Managers and Buying Agents at PaperIndex


Top Cities Represented by Cocktail Napkins Indentors, Purchase Managers, Wholesale Buyers, and Buying Agents at PaperIndex

Tel Aviv

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