ContactBurger Boxes Buyers / Importers

2 RFQ / RFP from 2 countries

Paper Boxes (Burger, Sandwich)

Routine Requirement    Posted 221 days ago    


To receive quotations, images and samples for this product. Also, I would like to know whether there is a possibility of becoming an agent or market representative for paper bags manufacturers in... 

Buyer's Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Paper Boxes (Burger, Sandwich)

Routine Requirement    Posted 263 days ago    


Hi, I want all types of paper products regarding packaging of rolls, sandwich and burger. Regards, Adil 

Buyer's Location: Bangalore (Bengaluru), Karnataka, India

Regions Represented by Burger Boxes Buyers, Purchase Managers, Indentors and Wholesale Buying Agents at PaperIndex

East Africa, South Asia

Top Countries Represented by Burger Boxes Wholesale Buyers, Indentors, Purchase Managers and Buying Agents at PaperIndex

India, Tanzania

Top States Represented by Burger Boxes on PaperIndex

Dar es Salaam, Karnataka

Top Cities Represented by Burger Boxes Indentors, Purchase Managers, Wholesale Buyers, and Buying Agents at PaperIndex

Bangalore (Bengaluru), Dar es Salaam

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